Monday, August 16, 2010

How to cook lobster

If you are on the Caribbean islands and along the coasts of Central America in motion that often see the lobsters in a restaurant menu. This is not true, or lobster-type may be more familiar, but different creatures known as crab or lobster.

Do not be afraid. Hummer same charm as their distant relative of the North. But there are some differences between the two, you need to know, especially if you make a kitchen.

And 'likely to encounter in your supermarket lobster every day, if not already in possession. Lobster, usually grows richer and less expensive than lobster and recognition among consumers. Many restaurants in the United States if the order lobster tails, lobster tails, you will receive.

First, you need to know that the relationship between lobsters and true in fact were the first they are linked, because both are crustaceans, but that was it. Hummer, in fact, more closely related to crayfish (also spelled "crayfish"). In addition, some species of lobsters lobsters called to see.

lobsters lack claws or pincers, true lobsters. Thus, most of their meat is in their tails.

You can cook the lobster is almost like real Hummer, except, of course, that you forget about all the claw meat out of it. Is this a good sample, however, make sure your lobster is generous portion of tasty meat on the tail alone. When cooked, the meat is white and the texture and a hint of sweetness to it differently.

If you start with a whole lobster, you should move in boiling salted water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Lobster tails can be prepared the same way, if you must reduce the cooking time of 8-10 minutes. Total cooking time depends on the size of lobsters, of course. (If you cook a whole lobster, you know what to do when his body was a reddish orange.)

After cooking, the scissors and cut the lobster tails from the bottom shell. Lift meat from the upper shell and place in a bowl or on plates.

Crave, some new ideas? Cook lobster shells, as above, season salt and pepper and brush on the tail meat with melted butter. Start with the consumption of tomatoes 2 cups chopped tomatoes tablespoon olive oil 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar 3 fresh basil leaves, minced shallot and 1 clove of minced garlic. Wonderful!

Lobster - a delicious and impressive

If you eat a lobster, you feel like you're actually there, like a king or queen. Cancer is often considered a delicacy and rich and delicious food. But before you dive in and eat, you can learn more about the lobsters, as is, where to get and how to cook.

Omar is actually a broad term used to describe the sea monster as a wrapper for the description known. There is a big lobster claw, and then there are those who do not have claws. Different types of lobster claws are not crabs, crickets, and crayfish. What do you usually do not mind if you think you have cancer, cancer of the claws, lobster coral, crabs and even. (Crabs, many Creole recipes and south to find.)

If you love food, seafood, probably, in my repertoire of favorite dishes, including cancer. Lobster is often called the "King of Seafood" and rightly so. Omar tries to royal animals, both at sea and on the record and, of course, was packed with flavor. And, as licensing fees, Hummer is not cheap.

You can usually find the best prices (lobster and better quality), in fishing villages and coastal areas. The closer you get the sea, about the price. When you spend money on food, you need to know how to cook it. Prepare delicious lobster is much easier than you think. Review, you must follow when preparing lobster house is that you plan to buy a lobster per person. Many fishmongers will steam lobsters for you before you go home, but actually a breath of fresh flavor, you must live lobsters in their homeland.

Once you have been cooking, the best way to serve lobster is actually a very simple recipe. Lobster is steamed, grilled or boiled accompanied by a need bibs, butter and lemon.
Typically, the easiest is the best recipe, and lobsters, less is more superfluous. However, if you have not left (this is rare, but it happens!), You can dish and a salad of crab Boy Sandwich Po "for lunch the next day.

Restaurants cancer can feel like a real connoisseur. Do you go out, not a chic gourmet dishes, such as cancer are very tasty. As long as you do not know where to buy lobster, how to prepare for and find a good recipe for lobster, you know the memorable meals provided. If you are a beginner, lobster, try a little research, as well as visiting your favorite local restaurant, seafood and order now!

Lobster Story: through the eyes of a lobster fisherman from Cape Cod?

Long ago, as a Codde Cape Town as a feast of lobster, they were only
ashore, approached and fired everything they could carry load. In
In fact, Pilgrim said Myles Standish, who can for a good North-East, Hummer
Cells located in 18 cm depth at the edge of the water collected, and without
the other the finger wet.

Homarus americanus, in the alternative, that New England, Maine, or served on the Atlantic coast
Omar, then blossoms into depth here on Cape Cod, the settlers, in fact,
used, but not food, but as a fertilizer for plants or as bait for fish
Hook. Regarding the existence, Omar was a little more 'food poverty, only
Feeding servants, slaves, children, cows, in that order. Here
Massachusetts officials, and finally defeated the rebels and a change in their
The contracts will no longer be forced to eat lobster more than three times

Today, of course, cancer is the king of all foods of summer, more
Celebration of food. For lovers of lobster bake a lazy summer day at the beach
a prelude to a height of flight and route the lobster bib, scanning
Special forks, hoes and claw crackers and consult a Placemat
Numbers with a description, step by step how to make lobster cut into its full

We are of New England lobsters so fond of Logan Airport has its own pool Hummer
Feisty people waiting to be shipped anywhere in the world by air.
It was not always so. In fact, there is little about the history of this controversy
Crustaceans, has been extraordinary growth in popularity in the U.S. system to predict

At Destination Guide 18/09/1621 Squanto, Myles Standish
was beaten by the ubiquitous hordes of lobsters. He found the Wild Search
Hummer in Barnstable, and at dawn the next morning at Nauset Harbor, he
moved some of its own supply:

"We found a lot of crabs collected in the wild
we have prepared under the cliff. The captain has two guards behind the rock
for the vessel to ensure the bank, at the top with him and four of our
The company went looking for residents, where she met a woman at her
Hummer, they said about them, and they welcome. "

The potential of the American diet, has been observed not only here in Cape Town
Code, of course, but the whole coast of New England. In June 1605 Captain George
Weymouth, during a trip to Maine, was also affected by the large population
American lobster, a close relative of crabs in Europe:

"And at night, we came with a small network of 20 meters is very close to the coast;
We have over 30 very large lobsters and beautiful ... I miss not notify
because you know how big the profit is fishing. "

However, when the industry not LOB ment began in Maine, but here on the Cape
Code. The population was so great that the cancer was typical of only two or three
Cents per piece. In fact, in order to launder LOB Monomoy Village say
made a living adequate for the one penny piece. Shellfish such proportions that
most commonly reported at 5 and 6 feet on the markets of Boston. A
Wolverine weighs 45 kg.

Unlike other species of fish, live lobsters should be sent. lobsters believed dead
develop toxic substances that may harm or kill that perhaps they eat.
Thus, the cancer industry, as we know it today has become not only possible,
In the early nineteenth century with the development of lobster smells, sailboats
Tanks of seawater is in their power. Provincetown in 1840, five of them smells
full-time for shipment of lobsters from the Cape and New York.
The industry, which encourages the development of the canning factory in New
England in 1840 and the advent of railways and improvement of methods
Foods with ice.

Cape Cod is the cause for the lobster house all urban markets, but is determined
The civil war, the population was so low that buyers are taking water
Maine, to meet demand. As consumption has a LOB tireless and valuable new
The UK industry, the legislation includes limits on size and season
Capture and the population remained remarkably stable over the past century.

Cape Cod Today
In Chatham Harbor on a hot summer day with little wind and no sea
Labour, a picturesque view of the trend terms pots near LOB animated
Bank calls an ideal lifestyle. Even in the fishing industry,
LOB discount is the envy refers to the small longline and Gill-Setter how easy it is
"Gentleman" of fish.

"Well, we're happy here, in Chatham, said the 30-year resident of Chatham, and
Lobster fishermen Ben Bergquist. "Most of the best fishing is located 8 miles from the coast, and
Sent to the Cape, we have a very good lobster habitat with good soil -
All less than 25 miles. It's nice when the fishing is good, but there is still something
other - although not very good, it is absolutely miserable, and plans to maintain
All. Who makes money from the sea to make it work
Money. It depends on if you want to get out of bed in the morning and get labor or
No, apart from the fact that the fishing lobs and consumption is different. "

The lobster suffers annual forecasts DIN shares, Bergquist
He began helping his father at the age of 8 years and the vessel seized, Benjo,
in 1996, said that each year have improved. Although
Bachelor of Ecology and the possibility for more traditional
Career at the Bank, he sees a strong future for themselves in the use of LOB.

With a young wife, two daughters and a 4, a mortgage, and a large
Transmission investment, he discovered that the hard work and perseverance, all paid
like any other company.

"Yes, of course, the holidays are an equal number of land are on average.
year, all trial and error, and everything. You can never count on a
The same phenomenon occurs twice. But finally, everything goes in the wash.
In August last year was great, and in July it was not, but it is not always true. You
(Omar) was simply not found in July. And in general, we took their deepest
than normal, because I think somehow the water was warmer than the deeper than
flat. Once it gets colder, they are either asleep or not. Water temperature
has everything to do with him, and changes during the year and from year to

Thus, to survive, can not afford to return to the same conditions thoughtless LOB
Countries that have succeeded in the last year. You updated
their information by studying the habits of the lobster and appetites sufficiently
outsmart him.

Ben workday actually starts the night before, when he controls time. As
Fury of the wind and waves prohibits real catch, it remains on the shore,
Construction or repair of the fall, working on his boat, or hunting with bait, something
It's never enough.

"I was the bait of 4 or 5 different boats and a number of contracts. Tresca
Chef or rack seems to work better. We also use a bass, Bluefish, flounder, swordfish,
Thun. All comments will work for everyone. It is amazing how the taste of lobster
Eat something that almost all food waste into the sea, you can try both
good. I have a freezer, I bait material, but it is certainly a real pain. "

His sternman Chris Nash, and Chatham, is not only to help carry water,
rebaiting traps and sorting of the catch, but also angry and ongoing
Shore tasks.

"Chris and I have a day for bait, so that it works - but it takes time
Costs. dead bait is $ 3 and you can bait traps the 30th
It is relatively cheap, but I have 800 traps, and lots of bait. We start fishing
April, and we have in December, but the rest of the year we transfer
Working to build new traps and fixing the old. I'll use a wooden traps, even work
Although I prefer to fish the wire. Maintenance is easy, but they do not seem to catch
more - so that 75 percent of my line of woods yet.

The lobster in the wild in the same aggressive look like them, and as we know,
Cannibals, so Bergquist neutralized more "crusher" claw and less
"Claw Ripper" with a narrow elastic band. He draws bands (introduced 1951)
because they do not penetrate into the meat of lobster claws, like cork, and therefore
a beautiful lobster on the market.

"They are very aggressive, especially in women with eggs or males competing for
Food or females. Eggers was really all the empty bowls and aggression
anything that moves. "

Fuel is the largest fresh lobster fishermen, and a mechanism for investment.
Loss of a series of fall storms or reduced by the expansion of the helix
are considered as direct losses. There is no such thing as insurance for the lobster traps
and $ 50 per case, the loss of an entire series is not cheap. 30 percent
Loss of the pot to one year is not unusual.

Bergqvist fishes 800 traps, transport through the four full days. For
lobster fisherman, he said, there is always that fragile moment when expectations
outside the trap die surface and lobsters, or, or not?.

"Sometimes what you see an orange glow, and fall only
completely filled, and it's a real interesting to see that many in the fall. I had a
Where there was a large 12 pound, not in a position to attack, but he was stuck in a leg
fall, and when I hold, he hung on a decoy bag
everything he had. I almost did not go too far trying to catch up. (Scenes from
Benjo will phthisis praise Ben Bergquist seen at http://

But my worst days LOB ment was the first day I ever towed as captain. I could not
Find one of my pots. At first I thought it was over, it was so vague and
Rain. So I went blind in circles research shows, and. I finally found
Buoy and realized that my LORAN has not been set. I turned off and back on, and we
on track. The day was to go, but certainly not to launch special.
And I have days when I get back only 40 pounds. It is always a good time
But as I said, it does not work. "

Boat Bergquist, Benjo, a marine tank in the hold, which is
Pump that circulates oxygen as the Aquarium of the budget. This
where crabs are alive and fresh for the supply of fish kept swimming lobster
Markets on the coast, which is the real key to their freshness.

"If you're a lobster, he is alive or dead, is alive and if it is fresh. Naturally
buy this kind of full from the boat, but a market on the Cape should
same. I sell my fish and lobster Nickerson, who is on the dock, 5
Meters above the ground, where I am. We can say that the verse

When unloading at the dock of Chatham, Bergquist often approached those of the
upper observation deck to see what they see as a refreshing alternative
Restaurant or lobster market pool.

"People ask me:" Sell me getting cancer and I say: "Yes, you
want? I give them less than they would pay on the market, but expensive
What I receive. Often people are so shocked that I said yes, they all receive
around him. You do not know exactly what they want or they bicker, and I
ultimately not for sale.

And I have invitations from friends, "Ben, I have many, and I have 20 crabs!
But this is not a big part of my income. I was in my home tank and a large plate
Who said: "Lobster", but when I do, as I have with it.

Most lobsters are eaten by Bergquist Cape, but his father
Posted in time internationally in Scandinavia in large numbers, driver's license
The runway at the airport with a good hard-shell lobster wrapped in strong polystyrene
Boxes. These things are still a large company here, on a promontory with many e-mail
For dot-coms like a lobster plane is indeed, so that your
Door, with Cape Cod algae, clams and corn and potatoes.

As Bergquist, the best way to live lobster right
Refrigerator or on ice in the refrigerator - cool and wet everywhere, until the cancer has
Do not sit in fresh water, where the well. In order to prepare them should Bergquist
Steamed or grilled, not boiled water. The required amount of time, according
size should not exceed 20 or 30 minutes.

"Head First or the tail does not care. My wife does not like being in the room
Way. I like butter and cocktail sauce is also good. Cape Codde me. I eat with
Butter and beer - which is really an important element of success. "

Lobster lovers are concerned, obviously, not only fresh, but with the price and
Bergquist uncomfortable when we talk about money: "I get about $ 7
Books, 21-pounds, the largest I have ever seen, receives about $ 140. I
ever had in a restaurant. I almost never focus on restaurant prices. I
$ 5.50 for a number of lobsters in the same cancer may ask $ 30. But wholesalers
much to do - the lobster, which nobody wants, or death. "

It pays particular attention to the fact that, although he believes that prices are reasonable terms for LOB
not to get rich quickly. Lobs phthisis good stable income in the fisheries
at best, unpredictable.

"You can pay in one year to three months, but it goes in the opposite direction. If you
can mentally work with the vibrations, you'll be fine, but you have to do.
It's a brutally cold morning and the times when the fish simply do not, and you
for the better. If the government gives me a fish, I think you catch fish
Rest of my life. I would take another ten years exactly, I know a lot of things. But I hope
they are all paid, and that I can, I like. "

The number of terms LOB Cape Cod has steadily declined from a peak in 1865
in 1988 to about 1500 today. But in almost every town on Cape Sandwich
Provincetown, were people like Ben Berquist, support you in your country
own fridge filled with lobster deal, the restaurant and the pool market in general.

"In summer I get 1-4 in the afternoon," said Berquist
Quickly add, "Again, in the fall, we can in the afternoon. It is really difficult

It may be that if you can take lobster fisherman, is uncertain about his daily rounds
Cape Cod, we learned something from his cancer. For
lobster fisherman, his career is on the hunt, a little planning and touching
Lucky to catch.

All information, Lobster

Are you interested in cooking lobster for you? Why is cancer a restaurant when you cook at home? Here are some questions and answers that will help you in your program for cooking lobster.

Q: Why is the lobster was alive when you cook?

: Technically, you do not throw live lobsters in the pot until boiling to death. But it is important that cancer is the recently deceased, for the lobsters quickly decay after death, and, therefore, may pose a risk to health.

Q: What is the most humane way to kill cancer?

A: Many people say that they are paying a heavy knife, his head at the back of the lobster is the most humane way to kill him. Of course, if you kill this way, or by pasting the first place in boiling water, lobster OOK constantly flip around for a bit "after death, and this can disrupt zijn. Just know that everything we eat meat with the man, the animal had already died. And although it may be more difficult to make you kill, you should know that the cancer was coming to an end one way or another.

Q: How to cook lobster?

You can boil or steam your lobsters. To boil lobsters, a big bank to fill three-quarters of lobster salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Bring to a boil, place the lobster or lobster pot, make sure you are fully immersed in water. Cook 1-2 lobsters book about 18 minutes and 2 + lobsters book 22-25 minutes. If you choose your pair of lobsters, only 2 inches of water with salt in a large saucepan. Place lobster in a pot and cover tightly. It must be cooked at the same time, as indicated above. Pigment lobster Trun brown and blue-green to red and reddish-brown after cooking.

Q: How can I eat a lobster?

A: Check the lobster to cool after cooking. Turn the large claws on the joints and cracks the claws with a nutcracker or hammer. Bend your body to move away from the tail to break, and you can remove the tail. Breaking the blades and then the tail meat in the tail of a piece. Next, make sure the black wire from the tail to remove and get rid of him. Cancel green liver cancer (or save for use in sauces). Know that the meat in 4 small holes where the legs with the body and legs in small lobsters. Most people prefer to have their food, lobster dipped in melted butter.

Q: Wait a minute ... What is cancer?

: Cancer, members of decapods (10 feet) in the family. There are two types of cancer in the United States. The North American lobster is the fundamental nature of cancer on the east coast and lobster off the coast of Florida. Omar no claws, and only distantly related to lobsters in Northern Ireland. Lobster shovel nose, flat face and is located in tropical waters. prawns (aka shrimp), very colorful. There are currently more than 30 species of lobster found in all corners of the world.

All freshwater lobster About Blue

I think everyone who wants to have in a home aquarium should in any case, you will learn comprehensive freshwater blue lobster in its shell. You can replace the goldfish, or the clown fish, but I think otherwise. This article will tell you about this huge fish (including the secret of his name) and care and in his house as a new aquarium.

The Secret of the freshwater blue lobster

So you see that word and ask what type of cancer it is. Is this a good taste? How do I cook? Well, that's the secret: freshwater blue lobster is not really a crab at all! It is actually a crustacean known as crayfish (or crawfish, and parts of the world). Crabs and lobsters are distantly related but not identical - and the sweet blue crab will certainly not be found on a Red Lobster restaurant or seafood So next time you hear this name, not a beautiful , lobster tails muted, soaked in butter to think. Instead, think of a great addition to your aquarium.

Is there a true blue lobster out there? Sure - but it is extremely rare, seems caught in about 1 in 30 million lobsters. If you do, you eat, but it is so rare that many people live in captivity, love.

Learn more about Blue Freshwater Lobster

This creature, as mentioned above, is a cancer, and scientists Procambarus alleni name. It is a shell and goes under other names, including hammers cobalt blue lobster. These creatures can grow as long as eight inches and are equipped with a blue hull - hence their name. How do the majority of crabs, lobsters, it seems that the two claws Pincher, with hard shells, which have molted (shed), while the lobster grows. Some can be found off the coast of Florida, another is on the coast of Australia and New Zealand.

About Freshwater Blue Lobster: care for your pet

If you want a blue lobster for your home, get news, you must first buy an aquarium that is large enough for your pet. You must buy at least a 20 gallon tank, if you have crabs, swimming pool. You need this line underground aquarium, such as sand or fine gravel. Place enough so that you can dig in crabs. Also put in your aquarium plants and stones for color and decoration, as well as additional hiding places for adding your aquarium.

The water will be in your aquarium for your fish to a temperature of 60-80 degrees Celsius on hold. Note that temperatures above 80 degrees, should be avoided if possible. Results of excessive stress, the temperature of your cancer - is transformed into a sickly brown. For food products with algae, flakes, granules that flow downward, or even small pieces of cut vegetables. They are scavengers and eat almost anything you put into it, provided it is edible.

About Blue Lobster Freshwater: Conclusion

This magnificent crayfish is an excellent addition to any aquarium. Just make sure they are not fish, they are aggressive and everything will be to attack. But they are great, look at the animals, especially for its brilliant blue mussels. Although you can eat lobster, I would not recommend eating them. It is better to keep in an aquarium and I admire him for his beautiful blue hue.