Monday, August 16, 2010

All information, Lobster

Are you interested in cooking lobster for you? Why is cancer a restaurant when you cook at home? Here are some questions and answers that will help you in your program for cooking lobster.

Q: Why is the lobster was alive when you cook?

: Technically, you do not throw live lobsters in the pot until boiling to death. But it is important that cancer is the recently deceased, for the lobsters quickly decay after death, and, therefore, may pose a risk to health.

Q: What is the most humane way to kill cancer?

A: Many people say that they are paying a heavy knife, his head at the back of the lobster is the most humane way to kill him. Of course, if you kill this way, or by pasting the first place in boiling water, lobster OOK constantly flip around for a bit "after death, and this can disrupt zijn. Just know that everything we eat meat with the man, the animal had already died. And although it may be more difficult to make you kill, you should know that the cancer was coming to an end one way or another.

Q: How to cook lobster?

You can boil or steam your lobsters. To boil lobsters, a big bank to fill three-quarters of lobster salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Bring to a boil, place the lobster or lobster pot, make sure you are fully immersed in water. Cook 1-2 lobsters book about 18 minutes and 2 + lobsters book 22-25 minutes. If you choose your pair of lobsters, only 2 inches of water with salt in a large saucepan. Place lobster in a pot and cover tightly. It must be cooked at the same time, as indicated above. Pigment lobster Trun brown and blue-green to red and reddish-brown after cooking.

Q: How can I eat a lobster?

A: Check the lobster to cool after cooking. Turn the large claws on the joints and cracks the claws with a nutcracker or hammer. Bend your body to move away from the tail to break, and you can remove the tail. Breaking the blades and then the tail meat in the tail of a piece. Next, make sure the black wire from the tail to remove and get rid of him. Cancel green liver cancer (or save for use in sauces). Know that the meat in 4 small holes where the legs with the body and legs in small lobsters. Most people prefer to have their food, lobster dipped in melted butter.

Q: Wait a minute ... What is cancer?

: Cancer, members of decapods (10 feet) in the family. There are two types of cancer in the United States. The North American lobster is the fundamental nature of cancer on the east coast and lobster off the coast of Florida. Omar no claws, and only distantly related to lobsters in Northern Ireland. Lobster shovel nose, flat face and is located in tropical waters. prawns (aka shrimp), very colorful. There are currently more than 30 species of lobster found in all corners of the world.

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